Pride in London is dedicated to ensuring that we have as positive an impact as possible on the local community, businesses and residents.

If you are a Resident or Business in the local area, we will be sharing more information on our dedicated pages on how to plan your parade day in 2024 below:

Find out more about Residents InformationFind out more about Businesses Information

Get involved

Become a Pride in London partner

Pride in London is a major event that draws visitors from all over the world, generating a significant boost to London's tourism industry. If your business is located along the parade route or in Soho, you have a great opportunity to benefit from the increased foot traffic on the day.

In fact, over half of the visitors in 2023 indicated that they were more likely to spend their money with LGBTQ+ friendly companies. By showing your support for the community and getting involved in the run-up to the event, you not only demonstrate your values but also stand to gain new customers.

Moreover, businesses that visibly support Pride are more likely to receive positive engagement on social media and greater press coverage, providing a valuable opportunity to increase your brand's visibility and generate some fantastic PR.

To show your support, consider installing a window display that highlights the LGBTQ+ community - this could be as simple as displaying an LGBTQ+ flag or going all out with a more elaborate design. Alternatively, create a product or service that represents Pride or the LGBTQ+ community. For example, if you own a bar, consider creating a themed cocktail or featuring products from LGBTQ+ suppliers in your shop.

You could also hold a Pride-themed event - if you have the space or capacity, why not host a dedicated LGBTQ+ evening or meet-up? These initiatives not only show your support for the community but also provide a unique opportunity to engage with potential customers in a fun and inclusive way.

Finally, it's worth noting that supporting grassroots LGBTQ+ organisations can also benefit your business. Pride in London's Unity Fund provides funding to grassroots organisations in London that directly benefit the lives of LGBTQ+ people. By supporting these organizations, you can help create a more inclusive and supportive community, while also potentially making valuable connections and demonstrating your commitment to social responsibility.

Become a Pride in London volunteer

Pride would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of our talented volunteers whether on the day or all year round. Would you like to join the team?

Find out more about volunteering

Got a question?

We have a dedicated Residents and Business Liaison team who regularly engage with residents and businesses in the Pride in London area and will look after you on the day itself.

If you have any questions or concerns then please email and one of the team will get back to you as soon as they can. All of our team members are volunteers and we will get back to you as soon as we can.